4. aug. 2009


Its now 12:30 am in Norway, and here am I, still on the computer, writing in my blog :)
Its typical me, I spend to much time on my comp :P
I cant really believe that I am going to start upper secondary school this fall, I still feel like a tenth-grader... But at the same time I cant wait for school to start..wait a minute.. did I just say that Im looking forwards to school? Wow, Im not like I used to be :P Well, my life at the moment, is good :) I have a summer job, I have the worlds best friends, im starting in RTS (choir) again this fall! :D Can't wait for that! But there is one thing im not looking forwards to:
Vonheim and the dance group without Constanze.. Its not going to be the same, but I guess we will be ok without her...but still.. its like something is missing, an empty space in the room, an empty chair with the dinner table.... Constaze, if you are reading this; You are one of my biggest rolemodels, and thanks to you I joined the dance group in RTS! You were the first person I became friends with, you are something really special, and I will never forget you :)
Have a nice trip to Kenya, and come back home in one piece ;)

Well, looks like I have to end this blog now, before my mom spizzes at me :P
Good night people ♥
- Stine, a girl who just realized how lucky she is ♥

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